Quality Teaching and Learning Standards
- Inquirers
- Knowledgeable
- Thinkers
- Communicators
- Principled
- Open-minded
- Caring
- Courageous
- Balanced
- Reflective
- Spiritual
- Peacemakers
- Develop natural curiosity.
- Acquire the skills necessary for inquiry and research.
- Show independence in learning.
- Actively enjoy learning and sustain a life-long love of learning.
- Develop well-scaffolded, student-centered activities that allow students to develop natural curiosity, explore their own knowledge, and build on it through experimentation and research.
- Inspire and enthuse the students with subject knowledge.
- Recognize and validate the independent work of students.
- Provide opportunities for authentic learning.
- Explore issues and ideas that have local and global significance.
- Acquire in-depth knowledge in a broad and balanced range of disciplines.
- Develop an understanding of different ways of knowing.
- Demonstrate an ability to connect knowledge across disciplines.
- Demonstrate secure knowledge of the curriculum and an awareness of knowledge issues within and beyond their disciplines.
- Help students recall and apply information that has been taught.
- Accurately assess student work and progress according to national and international standards and benchmarks.
- Share knowledge and encourage open and balanced student discussion of current events, both local and global.
- Exercise initiative.
- Apply thinking skills critically and creatively to recognize and approach complex problems.
- Make reasoned and ethical decisions.
- Contemplate and develop an awareness of beauty in the universe.
- Give reflective time for students to organize and express their individual thoughts.
- Provide opportunities for students to apply newly-acquired knowledge to challenging questions and problems.
- Use open-ended questions to develop and emphasize conceptual understanding and critical thinking.
- Express ideas confidently and creatively in more than one language.
- Communicate in a variety of modes.
- Work effectively and willingly in collaboration with others.
- Develop skills for effective decision making and leadership.
- Communicate effectively with all students: speak clearly, listen attentively and respectfully, provide students with channels for feedback and respond in a timely manner.
- Create supportive environments and design learning opportunities that encourage the development of communication, decision-making, and leadership skills.
- Model these skills by working collaboratively with all members of the School Community.
- Provide students with opportunities to express their ideas in a variety of modes.
- Act with integrity, honesty, and a strong sense of fairness.
- Act with justice and respect the life and dignity of individuals, groups and communities.
- Take responsibility for their actions and have a high standard of self-discipline.
- Know that being a Christian requires following the teachings of the Gospel.
- Exemplify the virtues they seek to inspire in students: curiosity, tolerance, honesty, fairness, respect for diversity and appreciation of cultural differences.
- Take responsibility for their actions and have a high standard of self-discipline.
- Expose students to Gospel values and to real-world examples of principled people.
- Debate controversial issues, encouraging students to reflect on their moral responsibility when proposing solutions.
- Understand and appreciate their culture and personal history.
- Seek and evaluate a range of points of view and be willing to grow from the experience.
- Embrace the perspectives, values, and traditions of other individuals and communities.
- Be sensitive to the diverse abilities and talents of others.
- Appreciate the beauty and enrichment of differences and diversity.
- Challenge students’ beliefs by exposing them to a variety of cultures, perspectives and problems.
- Explore, understand and accept the diversity of student responses to situations and issues as they arise.
- Show empathy, compassion and respect, acting to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment.
- Have a personal commitment to service.
- Show particular care for the human rights of the poor, the powerless, and the marginalized, so that “all may have life”.
- Treat others the way they themselves would like to be treated.
- Exemplify how to be a good listener and a good friend, showing kindness by building caring relationships with students and colleagues.
- Encourage students to support and help each other in facing challenges.
- Develop awareness and empathy about issues of human rights and approach the School's Abana Project for Zambia and other service initiatives in developmentally-appropriate ways.
- Approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and forethought.
- Have the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas, and strategies.
- Articulate their beliefs and defend them courageously.
- Encourage students to explore creative and divergent thinking when faced with problems to solve.
- Embolden students to extend their capabilities.
- Empower students to face challenging academic situations in their own language and in a foreign language.
- Understand the importance of intellectual, physical and emotional balance to achieve personal well-being for themselves and others.
- Show concern for their moral and spiritual growth.
- Encourage positive habits which support the development of the whole person.
- Value the community life of the School in all its variety.
- Provide students with the opportunity to share information about all areas of their lives.
- Give thoughtful consideration to their learning and experiences.
- Seek conscientiously to fulfill their potential
- Assess their strengths and limitations to support learning and personal development.
- Provide a place and time for critical self-reflection, including helpful and individualized feedback of how students can grow and actualize their potential.
- Value, engage with and act upon appraisal.
- Know and love God and make God known and loved.
- Pray, participate in worship, and strengthen their personal relationship with God.
- Understand and give witness to their faith in respectful awareness of the religious beliefs of others.
- See each person as a child of God.
- Model a love for God and acceptance of all religions.
- Create a sacred space so that students can encounter God.
- Model respectful behavior during morning prayers and spiritual events.
- Encourage students to take part in the School's Mission to further the charism of the Sisters of the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary.
- Demonstrate forgiveness, gratitude, and joy.
- Examine their conscience, seek forgiveness, and make amends.
- Work to foster a community where each person feels respected and valued.
- Know the history of the RSHM and identify with its Mission in today's world.
- Provide opportunities for students to examine their actions and seek reconciliation.
- Model honesty, compromise and forgiveness.
- Use dialogue and appropriate activities to teach the students about conflict resolution.
- Identify models of peace-makers, particularly within the RSHM tradition and provide opportunities for students to explore the benefits of peace for the world.
Discover Marymount International School's Quality Teaching and Learning Standards