Spiritual Life
Spiritual life at Marymount is an important part of our shared community experience. As a Catholic school, Marymount follows the teachings and traditions of the Church, and mentors our School community in the history, charism and spirituality of its founders, the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary. Important moments throughout each year, such as Thanksgiving, Advent, Ash Wednesday and Easter and May Crowning, are celebrated with community liturgical celebrations and prayer services. Grade-level family Masses, student Retreats, the preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation, and Christmas-time Lessons and Carols are also all a part of Marymount's rich spiritual life.
As an international school that welcomes students from over 70 nationalities Marymount lives out its mission of building "unity through diversity". The School organizes a great number of activities and events characterized by a deep respect for all cultures and faiths ranging from the creation of a prayer tent for our Muslim students during Ramadan to a special Chinese lunch for our community to celebrate Chinese New Year. It is, in fact, the celebration of this diversity that enables Marymount students to learn in an atmosphere of openness and sharing and helps them formulate values that lead to respect for all people. Marymount students learn about all of the world's major religions, and those who are not Catholic take a welcome role in providing insight into their own religions for the benefit of their classmates.